Wednesday, January 14, 2015


  I  want to begin with Chungguk-jang, which is a form of fermented soy-bean paste which is often put in soups. Chungguk-jang  is a food people willing to take a dare should try. Even Koreans have trouble when they eat Chungguk-jang.

메주, 청국장 만드는 법
This is what Chungguk-jang looks like when it is sold
   Chungguk-jang has a very horrible smell like the smell of wet socks. However you should know that Chungguk-jang it is known to be very abundant with Vitamin K-12. Vitamin K-12 is a vitamin most people lack. Vitamin K-12 is good for beauty and it help reduce the risk of developing pimples. It is made by fermenting soybeans for months but it can only be enjoyed for a few days. Chungguk-jang can also be helpful for digestion.
최고의 건강식품 청국장의 효능*청국장효능
Chungguk-jang soup also includes tofu and other ingridients
    Many foreigners and some Koreans (including myself) have trouble trying it because of the terrible odor but if you are trying it for your health, you might find it easier to get down.Try to overcome the terrible smell and go get a bowl of Chungguk-jang and enjoy!!


[청국장 끓이기]냄새없이 맛있어여
Not everyone likes that smell!

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